Last Minute [Dog] Boarding ?

Sudden need for dog boarding ?

Emergency happens to everbody. For first timers, we do not encourage pet parents for board their furkids at the last minute. If you have not used this service before, it can be frustrating to find the best one for your furkid.

As a pet hotel operator, we really do not encourage last minute bookings. The main reason is that pet parents might missed out bringing their dog’s vaccination card for registration. Did you know that it is a requirement under the Department of Veterinary Services guidelines for pet boarding? As such, all pet hotel operators are required to request the vaccination card from pet parents for record purposes.

Besides the vaccination card, please bring enough food for your furkid if the pet hotel does not provide them.

Kindly also ensure that your furkid has done the necessary tick prevention. This is to protect your furkid against any parasites and the pet hotel premise.