Our dog kennels

Are we a Pet Shop? Are we Home Boarding ? We are in-between!

We are not the traditional pet shop.  We do not have a wide range of pet products and supplies.  Our boarding area is 80% of the shop.  Lots of running space for your dogs.

We are not home boarding.  We wanted to be one, but can’t as we respect our neighbors at our residential area.  We also do not want local authorities to come knocking at our doors. This is why we had decided to open a shop at a commercial space.  We let your dogs out to play and socialize among dogs during the day (at least 5 hours per day).

We are IN-BETWEEN! We operate as “home boarding” providers with a “shop”.  We provide daily updates, communicate with you on how your pet is doing (if you don’t mind us contacting you on your holidays) and prepare dog food based on your requirements.

At Precious Paws Pet House, your furries have their own personal space at night.

Locked in a cage ? (NO!)  Locked in the toilet? (Certainly NOT!)   Locked at the balcony? (We don’t have one!) Outside with the hot weather ? (NO!)

Each kennel is spacious and exceeds standards set by the Department of Veterinary guidelines for pet boarding.

Call us for an appointments to view our place before making any decisions!

♥ Blog by Pet Nanny/Groomer, Elin T ♥